Idiomatic Scala

M.C. Oscar Vargas Torres

M.C. Oscar Vargas Torres

Scala Developer and
(dys)functional programmer

Training objectives

  • You have to study the very basics of Collection usage. This is a basic topic as a programmer/developer.
  • You have to practice unless you already understand the basic concepts.

What skills will the trainee obtain?

  • Proficiency with Scala collection usage
  • Full understanding of for-comprehensions, and basic/fundamental methods like map, flatMap, in Collections.

Skills (cont.)

  • Basic understanding of Scala immutable collections: sequences (e.g. Lists), Maps, Sets.
  • Full understanding of Option[T], Either[+E, +A] and how to use those in for comprehensions.
  • Navigation and exploration of Scala API using both Scaladoc and development environment.


  • Immutable Collections
  • Scaladoc/ navigation with IDE
  • Reading type signatures of important methods
  • Practice with different collections
  • Pattern matching use cases