
M.C. Oscar Vargas Torres

M.C. Oscar Vargas Torres

Scala Developer and
(dys)functional programmer

Training objectives

  • Understand the problem the typeclass pattern solves
  • Learn at least one way to implement the typeclass pattern.
  • Make exercises and practice!

What skills will the trainee obtain?



  • Implicits reminder
  • Context bound syntax
  • Typeclass examples/exercises

Implicits (reminder)

Different definitions of add:

def add1(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b
// curried
def add2(a: Int)(b: Int) = a + b
// Last parameter list can have implicit values
// pulled from scope
def add3(a: Int)(implicit b: Int) = a + b

// *If* an implicit Int value is in scope...
implicit val one: Int = 1
// Second argument provided implicitly
def addOne(a: Int) = add3(a)

Context bound syntax

Ordering[T] from the Scala Standard Library.

import scala.math.Ordering.Implicits._

// Typeclass constraint
def myMax[T : Ordering](x: T, y: T): T =
  if (x > y) x else y

// Equivalent to
def myMax[T](x: T, y: T)(implicit ev: Ordering[T]): T =
  if (x > y) x else y


Let's say we have the following:

Expression ADT
Expression ADT

with the following encoding:

sealed trait Expression

case class Number(value: Int) extends Expression

case class Plus(lhs: Expression,
                rhs: Expression) extends Expression

case class Minus(lhs: Expression,
                 rhs: Expression) extends Expression

JsonValue ADT definition

sealed trait JsonValue
case class JsonObject (entries: Map[String, JsonValue])
  extends JsonValue
case class JsonArray  (entries: Seq[JsonValue])
  extends JsonValue
case class JsonString (value: String)
  extends JsonValue
case class JsonNumber (value: BigDecimal)
  extends JsonValue
case class JsonBoolean(value: Boolean)
  extends JsonValue
case object JsonNull
  extends JsonValue

We are defining this because we plan to serialize Expressions to JsonValues.

Serializing Expression to Json

If we use this trait...

trait ConvertibleToJson {
  def json: JsonValue

... we have to implement json method in every subclass of Expression.

And we have created the following dependency (Unnecessary Coupling!):

Expression-Json coupling
Expression-Json coupling

Let's define Json[A] typeclass:

// Using the simplest & uniform typeclass encoding
// from a user's point of view
import simulacrum._

  * `A` has an instance of Json[A] if `A` can be converted to
  * a JsonValue
@typeclass trait Json[A] {
  def json(value: A): JsonValue

Goal: EPIC DECOUPLING See Simulacrum.

Possible encoding of Json[Expression]:

object JsonImplicits {
  implicit val jsonExpression: Json[Expression] =
    new Json[Expression] {
      def json(expr: Expression): JsonValue =
        expr match {
          case Number(value)   => // Code Elided
          case Plus(lhs, rhs)  => // Code Elided
          case Minus(lhs, rhs) => // Code Elided

case Number(value)

case Number(value) => JsonNumber(value)

case Plus(lhs, rhs)

case Plus(lhs, rhs) => JsonObject(
    "op" -> JsonString("+"),
    "lhs" -> json(lhs),
    "rhs" -> json(rhs)

case Minus(lhs, rhs)

case Minus(lhs, rhs) => JsonObject(
    "op" -> JsonString("-"),
    "lhs" -> json(lhs),
    "rhs" -> json(rhs)

Typeclass usage

(Assuming implementation uses simulacrum)

import JsonImplicits._
import Json.ops._ // Specific to `simulacrum`

object TypeclassExample extends App {
  val exp1: Expression = Plus(Number(1), Number(2))
  // Notice "extension" functionality
  // and familiar object.method syntax
  val json1: JsonValue = exp1.json

Remark: Typeclass pattern