FP in Scala

M.C. Oscar Vargas Torres

M.C. Oscar Vargas Torres

Scala Developer and
(dys)functional programmer

Training objectives

  • For comprehension
  • Simple Refined types
  • Implicit classes as an extension mechanism
  • Smart Constructors
  • Monoids & Semigroups
  • Validation Pattern

What skills will the trainee obtain?

  • Using the most basic typeclasses in Scala, to write correct code.


  • Introduction and prerequisites
  • Refined
  • Implicit classes
  • Smart constructor pattern
  • Monoids & Semigroups
  • Validation

Review of prerequisites

The need to use more precise types

case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
// Bad input
val unrealPerson = Person("   ", -30)

Take a look at Refined documentation

// A person must have a NonEmpty name and a non-negative age.
object RefinedExample {
  type AgeAux = Interval.Closed[W.`0`.T, W.`127`.T]
  case class Age(n: Int Refined AgeAux)

  type NameAux = NonEmpty And Not[Forall[Whitespace]]
  case class Name(value: String Refined NameAux)

  case class Person(name: Name, age: Age)
  val spiderman = Person(Name("Peter Parker"), Age(25))

Implicit classes enable extension syntax

import scalaz.syntax.std.string.ToStringOpsFromString

object stringsyntax {
  implicit class StringExtraOps(s: String) {
    /** Returns true if not empty and every character is whitespace
      * @note using scala APIs
    def isWhitespaceOnly: Boolean =
      s.nonEmpty && s.forall(_.isWhitespace)

Now, in the call site:

import stringsyntax.StringExtraOps

val name = "   "
// call site
val b = name.isWhitespaceOnly

See Implicit classes documentation

Smart constructors

package semigroupexamples

object Age {
  val MaxAge: Int = 127

  sealed trait AgeError
  case object AgeIsNegative extends AgeError
  case object AgeIsTooBig extends AgeError

  def apply(age: Int): Either[AgeError, Age] = age match {
    case a if a < 0 => Left(AgeIsNegative)
    case a if a > MaxAge => Left(AgeIsTooBig)
    case a => Right(new Age(a){})

sealed abstract case class Age private(value: Int)

For details check:

Name rules

  • A name cannot be empty
  • A name cannot be whitespace only
sealed trait NameError
case object NameCannotBeEmpty extends NameError
case object NameCannotBeWhitespaceOnly extends NameError

Possible type to describe possibilities

Either[NonEmptyList[NameError], Name]
trait ValidationError

sealed trait AgeError extends ValidationError
// same age error cases as before.
sealed trait NameError extends ValidationError
// same name error casas as before
Either[NonEmptyList[ValidationError], Person]

Could model

  1. the errors with both a Name and an Age (and others!), or
  2. a validated Person

But Either shortcuts on the first error

type Validated[A] = Either[Error, A]

def p(name: Validated[Name],
        age: Validated[Age]): Validated[Person] = for {
    n <- name
    a <- age
  } yield Person(n, a)

The big advantage of restricting to Applicative is that Validation is explicitly for situations where we wish to report all failures

6.7.3 Validation of the book Functional Programming for Mortals with Scalaz

Monoid are more than intellectual curiosities.

Make sure to read the contents for this module.

A Semigroup can be defined for a type if two values can be combined. The operation must be associative.

A Monoid is a Semigroup with a zero element (also called empty or identity).

MonoidExample1 uses

  1. Addition over integers.
  2. Multiplication over integers.

Monoid Example 1

import scalaz._
import Tags.Multiplication
import Scalaz._

object MonoidExample1 {
  val x1: Int = 1 |+| 2

  // To use a different binary operation, use a tagged type
  val x2: Int @@ Multiplication =
   Multiplication(1) |+| Multiplication(2)

Monoid Example 2

Option[A] @@ Multiplication monoid

import scalaz._
import Tags.Multiplication
import Scalaz._

object MonoidExample2 {
  type MultOption[A] = Option[A] @@ Multiplication

  implicit def optionMult[A]
  (implicit ev: Monoid[Option[A]]): Monoid[MultOption[A]] =
    new Monoid[MultOption[A]] {
      def zero: MultOption[A] = Tag(None)

      def append(f1: MultOption[A],
                 f2: => MultOption[A]): MultOption[A] =
        Tag(Tag.unwrap(f1) |+| Tag.unwrap(f1))

  val x2: MultOption[Int] =
    Multiplication(1.some) |+| Multiplication(2.some)

Monoid Example 3

Leveraging Scalaz' LastMaybe[A] monoid:

import scalaz._
import Maybe._
import Scalaz._

object MonoidExample3 {
  val x1: LastMaybe[Int] =
    1.just.last |+| 2.just.last

  val ns: EphemeralStream[LastMaybe[Int]] =
    (1 |=> 5).map(_.just.last)

  val lastN: LastMaybe[Int] =

  val x2: Maybe[Int] @@ Tags.Last =

Monoids instances using

  • Disjunction (Logical Or) over Booleans
  • Conjunction (Logical And) over Booleans
object MonoidExample4 {
  // Disjunction: Or
  val b2: Boolean @@ Disjunction =
    true.disjunction |+| false.disjunction

  // Conjunction: And
  val b4: Boolean @@ Conjunction =
    true.conjunction |+| false.conjunction

Validation of business rules

trait ValidationRules[A] {
  type E <: ValidationError
  type Rule = Reader[A, Validated[A]]

  def must(predicate: A => Boolean, error: E): Rule =
    Reader { a =>
      if (predicate(a)) Success(a)
      else Failure(NonEmptyList.nel(error, IList.empty))

  def mustNot(predicate: A => Boolean, error: E): Rule =
    Reader { liftNel(_)(predicate, error) }

  def rules: NonEmptyList[Rule]

  implicit val firstSemigroup: Semigroup[A] =

  def validate(candidate: A): Validated[A] =

A better definition of Validated[A]

import scalaz.ValidationNel

package object semigroupexamples {
  type Validated[A] = ValidationNel[ValidationError, A]

Name validation

object Name extends ValidationRules[Name] {
  type E = NameError

  sealed trait NameError extends ValidationError
  case object NameCannotBeEmpty extends NameError
  case object NameCannotBeWhitespaceOnly extends NameError

  override def rules: NonEmptyList[Rule] =
      mustNot(_.value.isEmpty, NameCannotBeEmpty)

  def apply(s: String): Validated[Name] =
    validate(new Name(s) {})

sealed abstract case class Name private(value: String)

Age validation

package semigroupexamples

import scalaz.NonEmptyList

object Age extends ValidationRules[Age] {
  type E = AgeError

  sealed trait AgeError extends ValidationError
  case object AgeNegative extends AgeError
  case object AgeTooBig extends AgeError

  val MaxAge: Int = Byte.MaxValue.toInt // 127

  override def rules: NonEmptyList[Rule] =
      mustNot(_.value < 0, AgeNegative),
      mustNot(_.value > MaxAge, AgeTooBig)

  def apply(age: Int): Validated[Age] =
    validate(new Age(age) {})

sealed abstract case class Age private(value: Int)

Using Applicative syntax

package semigroupexamples

import scalaz.syntax.apply._

object Person {
  def apply(name: String, age: Int): Validated[Person] =
    ^(Name(name), Age(age)){ Person.apply }

case class Person(name: Name, age: Age)