Module 4: Functions

Note: Scala Language Specification can be used as an authoritative reference in case of doubts.

Function types

The following is an example of a simple function:

val triple = (n: Int) => n * 3

The type of this function literal is: Int => Int. We could have used the type annotation to define triple:

val triple: Int => Int = n => n * 3

That can be read like:

triple is a function that accepts an Int parameter and returns an Int

In general, to declare a function type, write:

(A, B, ...) => C


  • A, B, … are the types of the input parameters; and
  • C is the type of the result.

Naming conventions

Scala names are case sensitive. See Naming conventions for constants, values, variables and methods.

Can you tell why the following would not be a good name?

val Triple = (n: Float) => n * 3.0f

According to Function Types:

  • Function types associate to the right, e.g. S => T => U is the same as S => (T => U).
  • An argument type of the form => T represents a call-by-name parameter of type T.

Relationship between methods and functions: eta–expansion

There is a close relationship between methods and functions, by means of the Eta–expansion. For example,

def f1(n: Int): Int = n * 2

# Placeholder syntax
val f2: Int => Int = f1 _

# eta-expansion: equivalent to placeholder syntax
val f3: Int => Int = n => f1(n)

Given this close relationship, you will find methods referred to as “functions”, although they are not strictly the same.

Return value of a block

The last expression of a block becomes the value that the function returns. For example, the following method returns the value of r after the for loop (no need for the return keyword):

def fac(n: Int) = {
  var r = 1
  for (i <- 1 to n)
    r = r * i

Recursive functions/methods must specify the return type

def fac(n: Int): Int =
  if (n <= 0) 1
  else n * fac(n - 1)

Varargs syntax

The term varargs is often used to refer to methods with a variable number of parameters. A common example from the Java world is System.out.printf:

// Two parameters
System.out.printf("%d", n);
// Three parameters, but same method signature
System.out.printf("%d %s", n, widgets);

In Java, printf method is defined like this:

public class PrintStream {
    public PrintStream printf(String fmt, Object... args) {
        return format(fmt, args);

The elipsis ... is part of the Java code, and it denotes that the method can receive an arbitrary number of objects (in addition to the fmt parameter).

In Scala, you can write varargs methods too. For example:

def sum(args: Int*): Int = {
  var result = 0
  for (arg <- args)
    result += arg

val s = sum(1 to 5: _*)

Notice that you use a * after the type you are allowing to appear several times.

Note: Scala also supports the @varargs annotation that lets you call a Scala variable-argument method from Java. See Scala varargs annotation scaladoc.

def foo(args: String*): Unit

is translated by the Scala compiler to

def foo(args: Seq[String]): Unit

But if you add the @varargs annotation

@varargs def foo(args: String*): Unit

then the following (equivalent) Java method signature will be generated:

void foo(String... args)

Procedures have Unit return value

// Compiles, but discouraged
def box(s : String) { // Look carefully: no =
  // contents elided

Procedure syntax is discouraged. See Procedure Syntax.

// (Equivalent) Explicit return type
def box(s : String): Unit = {
  // contents elided

Scaladoc for Function1

Open Current Scala Standard Library Scaladoc and search documentation for trait Function1. You should see documentation for important methods like apply, andThen and compose.


In the following example (taken from Function1 scaladoc), the definition of succ is a shorthand for the anonymous class definition anonfun1:

object Main extends App {
   val succ = (x: Int) => x + 1
   val anonfun1 = new Function1[Int, Int] {
     def apply(x: Int): Int = x + 1
   assert(succ(0) == anonfun1(0))


It has the following signature

def compose[A](g: (A) => T1): (A) => R

It models the mathematical function composition. For example, if (f(x) = x + 1) and (g(x) = 2x),

Using Scala:

val f: Int => Int = x => x + 1
val g: Int => Int = x => 2 * x

// f "after" g, or g "then" f
// fg(x) = 2x + 1
val fg: Int => Int = f compose g

// g "after" f, or f "then" g
// gf1(x) = 2(x + 1)
val gf1: Int => Int = f andThen g
// equivalently
val gf2: Int => Int = g compose f

Scala “Universal” toString method

Scala creates a toString method automatically for all classes. Functions also get a default (useless, and pretty arbitrary) implementation for toString method.

Notice that FunctionN traits are not sealed, so you could override it’s implementation to get a more meaningful implementation.


We have reviewed composition in the mathematical sense. This may seem too theoretical, but is a wonderful tool to get complex solutions from smaller building blocks. We are going to use atto, a parsing library that uses andThen to build a new parser from smaller parsers. Spend some time studying the section on basic parsers.


  • Discuss your understanding on Basic Parsers with others. Study first.
  • Following tutorial, replicate the example given in your development machine.


Let’s take a look at Functions2 trait scaladoc. It is used for functions that accept two arguments. For example:

scala> val add1: (Int, Int) => Int = _ + _
add1: (Int, Int) => Int = $$Lambda$4246/65203040@1a1497d3

A curried version of the above is:

scala> val add2: Int => Int => Int = a => b => a + b
add2: Int => (Int => Int) = $$Lambda$4299/874187625@770686b

From Scala for the Impatient, 2nd Edition:

Currying (named after logician Haskell Brooks Curry) is the process of turning a function that takes two arguments into a function that takes one argument. That function returns a function that consumes the second argument.

You can get a curried version of a FunctionN by calling curried:

scala> add1.curried // returns an equivalent of add2
res0: Int => (Int => Int) = scala.Function2$$Lambda$4310/375850982@55e50fc9

On the other hand, you can call Function.uncurried to “uncurry”:

scala> Function.uncurried(add2) // returns an equivalent of add1
res1: (Int, Int) => Int = scala.Function$$$Lambda$4326/963248854@3af9f63e

Currying buys us (at least) 2 things in Scala:

  1. Partial application
  2. Better type inference

Partial application is the ability to apply only some of a function’s arguments. For example

scala> val addTen: Int => Int = add2(10)
addTen: Int => Int = $$Lambda$4333/1213289156@6d5d371f

Here is an example from the Scala Standard Library to explain the second point. Take a look at List.foldRight()’s type signature:

def foldRight[B](z: B)(op: (A, B) => B): B

The z and op values are separate curried parameters. The type inferencer can figure out what B is from the type of z, and then it can use that information when analyzing the function that is passed for op.

Notice that one way to achieve currying in Scala is by using multiple parameter lists.

Generics and parametric polymorphism

Generics is a powerful tool from modern programming languages. Back in early 2000’s even some product team members from Microsoft considered that “generics [was] for academics only”.

At the moment of writing, several mainstream languages feature generic collections in their Standard API/library. See for example:

Scala has higher level of support for generic programming, than Java and C#. See:

Oliveira, Bruno CdS, Adriaan Moors, and Martin Odersky.
“Type Classes as Objects and Implicits.”
In ACM Sigplan Notices, 45:341–360. ACM, 2010.

Now, let’s review some of the basics.


“Polymorphic” means “made of many forms”, in contrast with “monomorphic”, “made of one form”. In Scala, you can use several kinds of polymorphism:

  • Subtyping polymorphism (reviewed in “Objects and classes” Module)
  • Parametric polymorphism
  • Ad hoc (or constrained) polymorphism

Subtyping/dynamic polymorphism

The following snippet illustrates subtyping polymorphism, and how we can constraint type parameters with the upper type bound T <: Shape.

sealed trait Shape
case class Square(l: Double) extends Shape
case class Circle(radius: Double) extends Shape

// Constraining T to be a subtype of Shape
// area is still a generic method
def area[T <: Shape](t: T) = ???

Take a look at lower type bounds for documentation on lower type bounds.

Parametric polymorphism

Parametric polymorphism refers to type variables, or parameters, that are fully polymorphic. When unconstrained by a typeclass, their final, concrete type could be anything.

Let’s use as an example:

final def map[B](f: (A) => B): List[B]

List[A] is a polymorphic/generic collection. It can hold elements of the same arbitrary type A. In turn, is a polymorphic method, that accepts any function that transforms an A into an arbitrary type B, and produces a List of elements of type B.

Making type A = Int, type B = String:

val ns = List(1, 2, 3, 4)
val ss =

Classes can be parametric also, for example:

case class Pair[A, B](first: A, second: B) {
  def swap: Pair[B, A] = Pair(second, first)

Ad hoc polymorphism

Prerequisite: Study Context Bounds.

Types can be constrained in generic functions, by using typeclasses. Let’s start by reviewing Ordering[T] from the Scala Standard Library.

// Type class Constraint
import scala.math.Ordering.Implicits._

def myMax[T : Ordering](x: T, y: T): T =
  if (x > y) x else y;

The following (more advanced) example is an excerpt from an implementation of the k-means algorithm (Spire GitHub repository):

  * Returns a collection of k points which are the centers of k clusters of
  * `points0`.
def kMeans[V, @sp(Double) A, CC[V] <: Iterable[V]](points0: CC[V], k: Int)(implicit
    vs: NormedVectorSpace[V, A], order: Order[A],
    cbf: CanBuildFrom[Nothing, V, CC[V]], ct: ClassTag[V]): CC[V] = {

  // code elided

  // This is the main loop of the k-means algorithm. Given a new clustering
  // and some previous assignments mapping each point to a cluster, we
  // determine if the new clustering will cause any points to switch
  // clusters. If so, we re-assign all points to their closest center in the
  // clustering, then find new centers using the centroids of the points
  // assigned to each cluster, rinse, repeat.
  def loop(assignments0: Array[Int], clusters0: Array[V]): Array[V] = {
    val assignments = assign(clusters0)
    if (assignments === assignments0) {
    } else {
      val clusters = Array.fill[V](clusters0.length)(
      val counts = new Array[Int](clusters0.length)
      cfor(0)(_ < points.length, _ + 1) { i =>
        val idx = assignments(i)
        clusters(idx) = clusters(idx) + points(i)
        counts(idx) += 1
      cfor(0)(_ < clusters.length, _ + 1) { j =>
        clusters(j) = clusters(j) :/ vs.scalar.fromInt(counts(j))
      loop(assignments, clusters)


Notice there are several advanced uses of Scala features, including ad hoc polymorphism, specialization and implicits.

Functions and Dependency Injection

Prerequisite: Dead-Simple Dependency Injection

The following abstraction (Reader[A] monad), can be used to implement dependency injection in a functional way.

object Reader {
  implicit def reader[A, B](f: A => B): Reader[A, B] = Reader(f)
  def pure[C, A](a: A): Reader[C, A] =
    (_: C) => a

case class Reader[C, A](g: C => A) {
  // Pulling in implicit conversion reader
  import Reader._

  def apply(c: C): A = g(c) // or "run"
  def map[B](f: A => B): Reader[C, B] =
    (c: C) => f(g(c))
  def flatMap[B](f: A => Reader[C, B]): Reader[C, B] =
    (c: C) => f(g(c))(c)

Instead of implementing our own Reader[A] abstraction, we will use cats library implementation (to pull a more robust/complete implementation). Still, we will be using the same ideas/patterns.

import java.sql.{Connection, DriverManager, PreparedStatement}


object DB {
  type DB[A] = Reader[Connection, A]
  type UserId = String
  type Pwd = String

  implicit def reader[A](g: Connection => A): DB[A] = Reader(g)

  def pure[A](a: A): DB[A] = Reader(_ => a)
  // Code elided

Some primitive operations that are delaying the definition of a Connection database:

def setUserPwd(id: UserId,
               pwd: Pwd): Connection => Unit =
  c => {
    val stmt: PreparedStatement =
      c.prepareStatement("update users set pwd = ? where id  = ?")
    stmt.setString(1, pwd)
    stmt.setString(2, id)

def getUserPwd(id: UserId): Connection => Pwd =
  c => {
    val stmt: PreparedStatement =
      c.prepareStatement("select pwd where id = ?")
    stmt.setString(1, id)
    val resultSet = stmt.executeQuery()
    val pwd = resultSet.getString(0)

Now we are able to express database “actions”, without referring to a database Connection at all:

def changePwd(userId: UserId,
              oldPwd: Pwd,
              newPwd: Pwd): DB[Boolean] =
  for {
    pwd <- getUserPwd(userId)
    eq <- if (pwd == oldPwd) for {
      _ <- setUserPwd(userId, newPwd)
    } yield true
    else pure(false)
  } yield eq

And we can define different database connection providers: one for testing and some other for production purposes:

abstract class ConnProvider {
  def apply[A](f: DB[A]): A

lazy val sqliteTestDB: ConnProvider =
  mkProvider("org.sqlite.JDBC", "jdbc:sqlite::memory:")

lazy val mysqlProdDB: ConnProvider =

We can define interpreters to process our DB[A] actions:

def mkProvider(driver: String, url: String): ConnProvider =
  new ConnProvider {
    override def apply[A](f: DB[A]): A = {
      val conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url)
      try {
      finally {

And “programs” or descriptions of the computations on our DB[A] actions. For example, next one describes how to change a user password, but without fixing the connection provider that eventually will be used:

def myProgram(userId: UserId): ConnProvider => Unit =
  r => {
    println("Enter old password")
    val oldPwd = readLine()
    println("Ender new password")
    val newPwd = readLine()
    r(changePwd(userId, oldPwd, newPwd))

And finally, the actual “injection” of different implementations (Testing Vs. Production) of a ConnectionProvider:

def runInTest[A](f: ConnProvider => A): A =

def runInProduction[A](f: ConnProvider => A): A =

def main(args: Array[String]) =